Can I bury my downspout and sump pump discharge?
Yes, as long as the property’s stormwater does not negatively impact another property including the right-of-way.
Yes, as long as the property’s stormwater does not negatively impact another property including the right-of-way.
No, Village code states that no sump pump, downspout, catch basin, drain tile, swimming pool, hot tub, or spa drain outfall, including temporary extensions added thereto, may direct water within ten feet of adjoining properties or otherwise affect drainage on adjoining properties, including, but not limited to, federal, state, county and village owned properties, thoroughfares … Continued
While there are no guaranteed ways to prevent backups, there are a few things you can do to prevent the likelihood of one occurring in your home. During heavy rains, do not run the washer or dishwasher if you don’t have to. Also, limit the amount of time in the shower. Inspect your lateral and … Continued
This is most often caused by regular drying of the drain trap. Simply pour a bucket of water down the drain to see if this alleviates the problem. If your problem persists, contact a private plumber.
If a plumber deems it not a private property issue, please contact Dispatch at (414) 351-9900 and they will contact DPW. If the incident occurs during non-office hours, owners are encouraged to contact a private plumber and inform DPW at their earliest convenience.
A private sanitary lateral is the pipe that connects your home (sinks, showers, toilets) to the Village’s sanitary sewer system. The private lateral ownership and maintenance responsibility is that of the property owner.
It is an underground stormwater management tool that is used to collect water under the surface and allow it to slowly disperse into the ground. It is constructed of stone, pea gravel, sand and finally dirt which will be replanted with grass.
The best way to improve stormwater is to allow for additional infiltration of water on your lawn (rain gardens). Also, rain barrels are useful ways to help recycle rainwater to use during drier times.