How do I schedule a special pick-up?
Special pick-ups of bulk items can be scheduled for every first and third Thursday year-round through Access Bayside. The base fee is $80.
Special pick-ups of bulk items can be scheduled for every first and third Thursday year-round through Access Bayside. The base fee is $80.
It depends. Please do not overflow your bags during collection. An informative bagged yard waste collection video can be found on the Village of Bayside YouTube Channel. This video explains the do’s and don’ts during yard waste collection.
Branches up to 6 inches in diameter and no longer than 5 feet in length may be placed at the edge of the road for collection. Branches should be neatly stacked, and cuts ends parallel to the road. Piles bigger than 5’x5’x10′ require a Special Pick-Up.
The Department of Public Works asks that you have your items out by 7:00am. If you had them out by that time, please contact Village Hall. If not, call backs will be charged for a fee of $45 each time.
Please have all contents out curbside by 7am on the first day of collection. Village crews come through once, so not putting it out by that time can cause your property to be missed. Another reason might be that your bag(s) had content that the Village does not collect. Please visit the Village of Bayside’s … Continued
The Village of Bayside is divided into nine (9) sections. Of these sections, DPW works through the Village going into each zone one time. Bagged yard waste collection ends on Friday, so it is possible that DPW has not reached your section yet. Please visit the Village of Bayside’s YouTube channel for a video of … Continued
First, check for a pink tag. It usually has information why the pile wasn’t collected. Two main offenses are restricted material (i.e. grass, dirt) and the pile is larger than the allowed size.
Plastic bags get tangled in the processing equipment. Plastic bags can be recycled at many department stores in the area. Waste Management states that the best practice is to place items directly in the recycling can with no bag at all.
Your recycling container could have been tagged or not collected for several reasons, most likely though, you had plastic bags in your recycling. Plastic bags and items that can tangle, like a garden hose, are prohibited material to put in your recycling can.
Individual garbage and recycling cans were provided to each home by the Village of Bayside. When moving, you can take any additional garbage or recycling cans you purchased with you or you can contact Village Hall to have the additional cans picked up.