FAQ Topic: Property Information
If you ordered a public tree, the tree will go in the right-of-way of your yard. The Village will give stakes for the resident to request where it goes. If you ordered a private tree, you have the choice of where the tree goes on your property.
Contact Village Hall for the amount, they change twice a year before the debt payment is paid.
Anyone who is digging should first contact Diggers Hotline. Diggers Hotline can determine if the pipes/cable lines extend onto other properties. After the paint is placed in the yard, the Diggers Hotline lines expire after five (5) days. This is because after five (5) days, the lines could have moved.
The markings are usually done by Diggers Hotline, please contact them for further information.
Accurate Appraisal, LLC, the assessing firm that Village has contracted with for property assessments, updates ⅙ of the property record cards for the Village of Bayside each year. Although ⅙ of the properties have been chosen for an interior walk through, the entire municipality will be revalued. If you have received a letter, your property … Continued