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FAQ Topic: Mailboxes

Can the Village replace my mailbox?

The Village has a Mailbox Replacement Program. The Department of Public Works will replace your old or damaged mailbox. Mailbox replacement options include: 1 standard black, white, or grey box (your choice!) and 1 standard wood post at a cost of $275. 1 large black box and 1 standard wood post at a cost of … Continued

Why do I need an address on my mailbox if it’s on my house?

Having a community standard that requires numerals on both sides of the mailbox AND on the building makes it easy for first responders to find your home or business quickly, especially at night. The Village ordinance requires all dwellings and commercial establishments to have the numbers of their address clearly visibly on both sides of … Continued

Why did I get a notice regarding my mailbox?

The Village has inspected mailboxes to determine if they are straight, stable, and sturdy. If your mailbox is leaning or appears to be unstable, you need to repair it prior to the winter snow season. If you do not repair your mailbox and the snow from a plow knocks it over, the Village will not … Continued

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