FAQ Topic: Garbage and Recycling
One potential reason is it may not have been paid for yet. If you log a request through Access Bayside and don’t get a response, reach out to Village Hall for clarification.
The sticker that was placed on your can was installed by the DPW in an effort to curb the unacceptable items from being placed in the cans. The stickers lay out what is acceptable while also stating what shouldn’t be in them. These stickers are being installed on every recycling can in the Village.
The Department of Public Works asks that you have your items out by 7:00am. If you had them out by that time, please contact Village Hall. If not, call backs will be charged for a fee of $45 each time.
Plastic bags get tangled in the processing equipment. Plastic bags can be recycled at many department stores in the area. Waste Management states that the best practice is to place items directly in the recycling can with no bag at all.
Your recycling container could have been tagged or not collected for several reasons, most likely though, you had plastic bags in your recycling. Plastic bags and items that can tangle, like a garden hose, are prohibited material to put in your recycling can.
Individual garbage and recycling cans were provided to each home by the Village of Bayside. When moving, you can take any additional garbage or recycling cans you purchased with you or you can contact Village Hall to have the additional cans picked up.
The answer is simple, we don’t know. On all collection periods, residents must have their collection materials curbside by 7am the day of their collection period. For recycling and garbage, follow the schedule. For yard waste/leaf collection, have your items curbside by 7am Monday morning of the collection week.
Fairy Chasm Road and all roads to the north are on Monday; anything south of Fairy Chasm Road will be on Tuesday. Recycling alternates every other week north/south. Schedules are available online. Schedules change around holidays so be sure to check the calendar during these times.