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FAQ Topic: Finance and Administration

What is the process to appeal our appraisal for property tax purposes?

The process to appeal the appraisal is called the Board of Review process. This annual process is normally completed in July with regards to the assessed value for the upcoming tax bill. Assessed values cannot be changed for the year once the Board of Review is closed. A revaluation of property values is done every … Continued

Can you tell me what my tax bill amount will be for next year?

The Village of Bayside tax bill that homeowners receive in December is based on the requests from several different taxing jurisdictions. There are three different districts in Bayside and two different county’s that submit requests for money. Those requests are submitted to us in late November. The tax bill mill rate cannot be calculated until … Continued

Where can I pay my tax bill?

Tax payments can be paid at Village Hall: 9075 N. Regent Rd. Bayside, WI 53217 or online at Account Information: One Time Payment: Village of Bayside (WI) (

What are my current taxes for this year?

Property taxes are not calculated until December. You can view your property taxes online: Milwaukee County Tax Bill Ozaukee County Tax Bill Call Village Hall at 414-206-3915 if you have trouble.

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