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No. While assessments determine the portion of property taxes a property owner is responsible for, the actual amount of property taxes, per homeowner, is determined by the total budgets for each overlying taxing jurisdiction (local school district, Village, County, MMSD, and MATC). For example, if all property values stay the same, but the total budgets...

Contact the Assessor's Office on of two ways: Submit a request through the Accurate Assessor website. Call Accurate Assessor at (920) 749-8098 during their business hours, Monday through Thursday, 8am to 3:30pm and Friday, 8am-12pm.

Yes. Regardless of whether it is a revaluation or maintenance assessment, property owners have the right to contest their assessment each year. The Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR) provides many useful guides. The Guide for Property Owners describes the assessment process including Open Book and Board of Review processes.

No. Only owners of properties where the value changed from 2023 to 2024 will receive a 2024 Notice of Assessed Value. All other property owners will receive an informational postcard.

If we discovered changes to a property that would alter the value, or an error was discovered, then the assessment would change. If we did not discover any changes or errors, then the assessment would remain the same.

2025 Real Property Assessment Information The Village of Bayside Assessor's Office typically performs a Village-wide revaluation every year. These revaluations result in changes to the assessed values for most properties. More information is available below in the FAQ. If Your Property Assessment Has Changed: In 2025, owners of property where the value has either increased...

Board of Review The Village of Bayside's Board of Review ("Board") is an independent board of citizens appointed by the Village Board. The Board meets annually to review and approve the assessment roll from the assessor. Upcoming Meetings TBD: Meet to Adjourn May 19, 2025 Open Book: Additional Open Book virtual meetings will be available...

Assessed Values and Your Tax Bill How assessment and tax rate changes affect your tax bill. *Combined - this refers to all taxing bodies that comprise your tax bill. This includes the budget needs of school districts, county, village, sewerage district, and technical college. **The tax rate is the portion of all budgets outlined above...

Assessed vs. Equalized Value Assessed Value: This is the dollar value placed on a parcel of property by the Village Assessor. It is computed by analyzing individual sale transactions, inspections, and a thorough study of all Bayside neighborhoods. It is the assessor's estimate of market value. It is important for maintaining equity between and among...

Wisconsin law requires that whenever an assessment is changed, the owner must be notified.

There are differences between individual properties and between neighborhoods. In one area the sales may indicate a substantial increase in value in a given year. In another neighborhood there may be no change in value, or even a decrease in property values. Different types of properties within the same neighborhood may also show different value...

General economic conditions such as interest rates, inflation rates, supply and demand, and changes in tax laws, will influence the value of real estate. As property values change in the marketplace, those changes must be reflected on the assessment roll.

Good maintenance will help retain the market value of your property. Generally, your assessment will not be increased for individual minor repairs such as those that follow; however, a combination of several of these items could result in an increased assessment. Repairing concrete walks and driveways Replacing gutters and downspouts Replacing hot water heater Repairing...

Generally speaking, improvements that increase the market value of a property will increase the assessed value. The following are typical items that will increase the assessed value of your property: Added rooms or garages Replacing asbestos or wood siding with aluminum or vinyl siding Substantial modernization of kitchens or baths Central air conditioning Fireplaces Extensive...

When an interior inspection is not allowed, the assessor will attempt to update the records by looking at the property from the outside and using any other available information. To ensure an accurate assessment, it is to your advantage to allow the assessor inside your property when an inspection is requested.

To make a proper assessment of a building, it is desirable for the assessor to see the inside and the outside of the property. The law requires that property be valued from actual view or the best information available. The assessor keeps records on the physical characteristics of each property in the municipality. Even though...

Just as in many other fields, computers are useful in the assessment process. Assessors are trained to look for relationships between property characteristics and market value. By coding these characteristics and studying sales prices, assessors can estimate value by developing formulas and models. Computers are much faster and are capable of advanced analysis in this...

Market value is defined as the amount a typical, well-informed purchaser would be willing to pay for a property. The seller and buyer must be unrelated, the seller must be willing, not under pressure to sell, and the buyer must be willing, not under any obligation to buy. The property must be on the market...

Wisconsin Law requires property assessments based on fair market value. Estimating the market value of your property is a matter of determining the price a typical buyer would pay for it in its present condition. Some factors the assessor considers are: what similar properties are selling for, what it would cost to replace your property,...

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