Prescription Drug Disposal
Federal law requires that certain drugs be handed over immediately to federal law enforcement officials to destroy, while Veolia Environmental Services will incinerate the rest at a federally licenses incinerator. It is important not to flush or pour unused medicine down the drain. This helps protect Lake Michigan, reduce substance abuse, and prevent childhood poisoning.
- Prescription and over-the-counter medications
- Ointments
- Sprays
- Inhalers
- Creams
- Vials
- Pet Medication
- Needles/sharps
- Items containing bodily fluid or blood
- Personal care products
- Household hazardous waste
Acceptable items can be disposed of in the Police Department lobby 24/7/365.
Each year, the Police Department participates in the National Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. This program allows the Police Department to collect unused, unwanted, or expired prescription drugs from residents anonymously and with no questions asked.